Editor’s Take


Our Intimate Universe

The darkness of the cosmos permeates all that is, incessantly creating, insatiably renewing itself, lovingly cradling the universe of light. Listening intently, the light inhabits the will of the darkness, identifying as Black in motion and under pressure. Remember the diamonds … 

Over time eternal, the light and the darkness pursue each other in the constant, joyful play of unity. The bliss of oneness calls, inviting us to know ourselves as each other. We answer as sister, brother, lover, husband, wife, mother, father, grandparent, grandchild, friend … all of the things … all of the people.

In this issue, our writers tap into and listen to the voices – no, the one voice of the darkness and the light, weaving long and legendary tapestries of truth with their words. Want a moment of communion? Me too. Let’s sit together with the Messengers of KIZA’s Intimacy Edition and travel through the curves, the twists and the turns of closeness in our variegated experiences. Enjoy moments of connection on our writers’ vehicles of fiction, nonfiction and verse. You’ll be glad you did.

Thank you, Black literary artists, for your etheric ink, that somehow writes the light.




Black ACE Happenings