Next Level Publications Group

KIZA BlackLit

Submission Guidelines

We appreciate the contributions of literary artists to the transmission of culture, deep memory and food for reflection. This appreciation fuels the wide array of types of writing that we accept: fiction, nonfiction, lyrics, poetry & spoken word and scripts for stage & screen. Our focus is on literary works produced by writers who identify as Black, African American, African or members of the African diaspora.

One of our goals is to support the career development of Black writers. This means making their writings available to as many different audiences as possible within a compressed timeframe. Therefore, we accept both previously-published and unpublished works. Submissions may be excerpts from longer manuscripts or published books or complete short stories, poems, audio stories or scripts.


We accept submissions from writers who identify as Black, African American, African or a member of the African Diaspora.


Authors retain all rights to their work. Next Level Publications Group Inc. (NLPG) and KIZA BlackLit magazine (KIZA) will never assume the rights to an author’s writing. The author grants permission for Next Level Publications Group Inc. (NLPG) and KIZA BlackLit magazine (KIZA) to publish their work in the following formats and outlets, provided that the author is acknowledged: (1) digital and print versions of KIZA Black Literary Magazine, (2) on the NLPG website(s) and (3) on various NLPG and KIZA social media accounts.


There are no submission fees.

Authors are not paid if their work is selected for publication.


Maximum 7,500 words. This can include a single story or excerpt, or a combination of up to three poems or lyrics.


Maximum three additional submissions within six months of the first submission, making a total of four separate submissions, each with a maximum of 7,500 words, within 6 months.


Authors may submit their work to KIZA BlackLit at the same time that submit the same work to other publications. Please notify us immediately if you relinquish all or part of the rights to your work to another publisher prior to the date of publication in KIZA BlackLit.




Our favorite subjects to feature are Black self-exploration, regeneration and power. We rarely accept romance and horror. We do not accept erotica.


None. We accept submissions on a continuous basis, unless notified otherwise. Allow two to six weeks to be notified of whether your submission was accepted or not. If accepted, we will inform you of the projected date of publication.


If your work is not accepted, we will delete your writing from the form that you submitted, in order to protect the privacy and integrity of your work. However, we will retain all other information contained on the form for our records.


Attach your submission to the website form provided.


